Rescue Act Number Six:

Welcome to the sixth in our regular and popular series of to-the-point blogs, each of which identify a specific key area that can prevent your business or organisation website from working as effectively as you would want them to.

Imagine these two ridiculous scenarios

Firstly, you are walking down a street in a town you are visiting for the first time. It seems a pleasant-enough place, except for one key problem: every single shop has removed their name and address from their storefront. Alternatively, you pick up your local paper to seek out an ad for a product or service. You find it, but that ad also has no contact details for the business allegedly promoting itself. Presumably, they expect you to make the effort to locate them!

Similar situations occur online!

A lack of clear and complete contact information is usually a sin of omission; the business-owner or individual responsible for their advertising and promotion knows all of the details and can forget that other people don’t. So let’s look at online situations. How many times have you visited a website, been interested in their product or service, then hugely frustrated by a lack of contact information?

A companion problem is a lack of recognisable consistency across a complete website. Firstly, arriving at any page should make it instantly clear which company, business or organisation you are visiting. Therefore, it’s important to have each page similarly styled and branded.

Another area where business can be lost is when an individual wants to ask a question or gain specific details, request a brochure or download an explanatory document. Perhaps they’d like to discuss the range of options, to level of commitment, when deciding to use an offered service. Finding how to achieve any of these goals should turn into a desperate and fruitless hunt for accessibility to any such options.

Sadly during our Digital Rescue activities, we do still visit many websites where one or both of these vital areas of identification and action are either missing or incomplete; badly positioned to ineffectively presented. Returning to our initial premise, this could equate to a shop having its only public entrance situated at the back of its premises, unsigned, and well away from the main street itself!

Are you both easily contactable and fully usable?

The minute you ask website visitors to take more action than they need to – or should have to – some will simply leave. Customers are surely precious, there’s no reason to casually throw some away! As we’ve said before, such annoyances can even lead to negative social media content about your business.

Allow our expert Digital Rescue team to check your contactability level. Call 1300 912 950 and one of our specialists will carry out an instant and obligation-free check. If necessary, we will suggest any key improvements you could undertake to increase your online accessibility…