If you’re running a WordPress website, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is choosing the right hosting provider. While there are many hosting options available, managed WordPress hosting has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially for business owners and website managers.

The right hosting is essential for any WordPress website; without it, your site could be slow or even inaccessible to users. You’ll want a host that offers plenty of bandwidth so people can access your content quickly without experiencing lag time while they’re browsing through your pages.

In this article, we’ll explain what managed WordPress hosting is, how it works, and its benefits. We’ll also give you some tips on how to choose the right managed WordPress host for your website.

What is Managed WordPress Hosting? 

Managed WordPress Hosting is a type of web hosting service that is specifically optimised for WordPress websites. This hosting solution typically includes automatic WordPress updates, daily backups, enhanced security measures, and specialised technical support.

In Managed WordPress Hosting, the hosting provider handles the technical aspects of running a website, including server setup, maintenance, and optimisation. This allows website owners to focus on creating content and growing their business rather than worrying about the technical details of website management.

Managed WordPress Hosting is designed to provide a high level of performance and reliability, with faster page load times, improved website security, and reduced downtime. Additionally, it offers scalability, which means that the hosting plan can be easily upgraded as the website grows to accommodate increased traffic and resource needs.

Overall, Managed WordPress Hosting is an excellent choice for website owners who want to enjoy the benefits of a powerful and reliable hosting solution without dealing with the technical complexities of managing a website on their own.

Benefits of Managed WordPress Hosting

Managed WordPress hosting is a type of web hosting that’s optimised for WordPress websites. Unlike traditional shared hosting or VPS hosting, managed WordPress hosting is specifically designed for WordPress, which means you get better performance, security, and support.

Here are some of the benefits of managed WordPress hosting:

Improved Website Performance and Speed

One of the biggest advantages of managed WordPress hosting is improved website performance and speed. With managed WordPress hosting, your website is hosted on a server optimised for WordPress, which means faster load times and improved overall performance.

Managed WordPress hosts typically use caching technology to speed up your website, which means that your pages will load faster for your visitors. They may also use content delivery networks (CDNs) to deliver your content faster to visitors who are geographically farther away from your server.

Enhanced Website Security and Reliability

Another major advantage of managed WordPress hosting is enhanced website security and reliability. Managed WordPress hosts typically offer advanced security features, such as malware scanning and removal, automatic updates, and firewalls, to protect your website from hacking attempts and other security threats.

In addition, managed WordPress hosts usually have a team of experts who monitor your website around the clock to ensure it’s up and running smoothly. This means that if anything goes wrong, they can quickly fix the issue and get your website back online.

Automatic Updates and Backups

One of the best things about managed WordPress hosting is that you don’t have to worry about updates and backups. Managed WordPress hosts typically handle all of this for you, so you can focus on running your website.

They’ll automatically update your WordPress installation, plugins, and themes, which means that you’ll always have the latest and most secure version of WordPress running on your website. They’ll also handle all of your website backups, so you can easily restore your website if anything goes wrong.

Expert Support and Customer Service

Finally, managed WordPress hosting usually comes with expert support and customer service. Managed WordPress hosts typically have a team of WordPress experts who can help you with any WordPress-related issues you may have.

Whether you’re having trouble with your website’s performance, security, or functionality, a managed WordPress host will be able to help you out. They may also offer additional services like website migrations, site optimisation, and more.

How Managed WordPress Hosting Works

Now that we’ve covered the benefits of managed WordPress hosting let’s look at how it works.

WordPress-Specific Server Configuration

One of the key differences between managed WordPress hosting and traditional hosting is the server configuration. Managed WordPress hosts use a server configuration that’s specifically optimised for WordPress, which means that your website will run faster and more efficiently.

The server configuration may include things like server-side caching, which can significantly speed up your website’s load times. They may also use technologies like PHP7, which is faster and more secure than previous versions of PHP.

WordPress-Specific Server Configuration

As mentioned earlier, managed WordPress hosts handle your website’s updates and backups. They’ll automatically update your WordPress installation, plugins, and themes, so you don’t have to worry about whether you’re running the latest and most secure version of WordPress. They’ll also handle all of your website backups, so you can easily restore your website if anything goes wrong. 

This level of hands-on support and management ensures that your website runs smoothly, allowing you to focus on creating content and growing your business instead of worrying about the technical details of managing a website.

Security Features and Monitoring

Managed WordPress hosts typically offer advanced security features, such as malware scanning and removal, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems, to protect your website from hacking attempts and other security threats. They’ll also monitor your website around the clock to ensure that it’s up and running smoothly.

If they detect any security issues or performance problems, they’ll be able to fix the issue and get your website back online quickly. This means that you can focus on running your website without having to worry about security or technical issues.

Performance Optimisation and Caching

Managed WordPress hosts use various techniques to optimise your website’s performance, such as caching, content delivery networks (CDNs), and optimised server configurations. They’ll also provide you with tools to optimise your website’s performance, such as image optimisation and minification tools.

Caching is one of the most effective ways to speed up your website. When a visitor requests a page on your website, the server generates the page and sends it to the visitor’s browser. With caching, the server stores a copy of the page in memory, so the next time the same page is requested, it can be served much faster.

CDNs are another effective way to speed up your website. A CDN is a network of servers located around the world that can deliver your content faster to visitors who are geographically farther away from your server.

How to Choose the Right Managed WordPress Host?

Now that you understand the benefits of managed WordPress hosting and how it works, it’s time to choose the right managed WordPress host for your website. Here are some factors to consider:


Managed WordPress hosting can be more expensive than traditional hosting, but the extra cost is usually worth it for the improved performance, security, and support. Look for a host that offers transparent pricing with no hidden fees or charges.


Different managed WordPress hosts offer different features, so make sure to choose a host that offers the features that are most important to you. Some hosts may offer advanced security features, while others may focus more on performance optimisation.


Performance is one of the most important factors when choosing a managed WordPress host. Look for a host that offers fast load times and reliable uptime with minimal downtime.


Finally, make sure to choose a managed WordPress host that offers excellent support and customer service. Look for a host that offers 24/7 support with a team of WordPress experts who can help you with any issues you may have.

Final Thoughts

Managed WordPress hosting is a great choice for businesses and website owners who want improved website performance, security, and support. With managed WordPress hosting, your website is hosted on a server that’s specifically optimised for WordPress, which means faster load times, better security, and expert support.

When choosing a managed WordPress host, make sure to consider factors such as pricing, features, performance, and support. With the right managed WordPress host, you can focus on running your website without having to worry about technical issues or security threats.

Ready to experience hassle-free WordPress hosting with excellent support? Check out Digital Rescue‘s Managed WordPress Hosting services and take your website to the next level. 

Our web hosting, web design, and SEO experts know how to run an amazing website. Our Managed WordPress Web Hosting services position your company to engage and convert more dependable leads while guaranteeing that our selected hosting professionals handle all upgrades and important concerns, making them future-proof for years to come. 

Contact us now to get your Digital Rescue today!