The title of this blog and the implied query are misleading right off the bat. We shouldn’t compare “ vs.”. Instead, vs. a Self-Hosted WordPress site is the more appropriate comparison. Why? Mainly because is a managed host. The website is NOT a host. You cannot “build up a website” on accessible online.

So, what distinguishes and from one another? is a service that assists you in creating a website using the WordPress application that is pre-installed on managed hosting. With no maintenance hassles, you can concentrate on your website. The website where you may obtain the programme itself, however, is When you’ve downloaded it, you’ll need to look for and join a third-party hosting provider, install WordPress, and then create and maintain your website on your own.

What is serves as a hub for resources and community. On, you can:

  • Learn about WordPress.
  • Download the open-source WordPress software for free.
  • Participate and aid in the development of WordPress.
  • Get to know other WordPress users and join the amazing WordPress community.

Let’s dispel this notion for good now. The comparison to be drawn is not between .com and .org. The proper comparison is between a self-hosted WordPress website and

Old habits are difficult to break. Thus, using .com vs. .org as a shorthand won’t go away anytime soon. But now you’ll know what it means every time you see that reference.

Let’s now explore a few topics related to WordPress,, and websites in general that may use some proving and clarification. vs. Self-Hosted WordPress: Common Myths to Know About

Myth 1: The differences between and a Self-Hosted WordPress site are huge.

Actually, no. In reality, there may be fewer distinctions than you may anticipate. Unless your site requires a few specific, developer-level features or will be heavily customised with complex code customisations, the differences between a site and a self-hosted one usually have more to do with the host’s fees and services than they do with the software’s functionality.

Myth 2: You can’t move the whole site from to a different host.

You can move the entire site as-is if you have a upgrade that enables you to install custom themes and plugins. This is similar to hiring a house mover to transfer your entire infrastructure from one piece of land to another.

Moving the whole house in the context of a website entails relocating the entire site to a different host. In other words, switching from one server machine to another, like copying your PC files to an external hard drive.

In the house example, the complexity of the building will determine how “simple” and “smooth” the process of transferring a whole structure is. The same is true with websites. The migration will be more challenging the more complex the website is; after the migration is complete, it can take some time to fix various issues.

This is accurate for all websites. Regardless of the software or website builder you’ve used, moving a website from one host to another can take only a few clicks or several hours of additional effort. Moreover, certain hosts and certain website types don’t even have the option to export any content.

It’s important to note that reliable WordPress site providers like do provide this functionality.

Myth 3: My Domain is my website.

Not quite.

If your website has a custom domain, it is the address that leads to it rather than the actual website. There are a few analogies that are useful here.

Consider your custom domain as a Post Office Box number, for example. You can frequently continue using the same Box number as your mailing address even if you move across the street. With a website, you can change the location of the site’s files while maintaining the custom domain used for the address.

Myth 4: Self-hosted WordPress sites are cheaper than

Maybe occasionally. Yet, it all depends on what you need. Also, you might not be making apples-to-apples comparisons. Because not all hosts and hosting services are created equal, there can be significant differences in the level of support from one host to the next. Direct comparisons can be complicated, but we have some tips to assist you in comparing features and pricing.

Myth 5: You never truly 100% own your website on because you don’t have complete control over it.

Depending on the plan you have on, you have varying degrees of technical control over your website’s features, but you always retain ownership of your content. Also, you can export your content anytime under the Tools tab on any plan.

Myth 6: It’s challenging to customise your website because you can only utilise WordPress plugins or themes if you purchase a pricey hosting plan.

This one depends on what “customise” means. A subscription plan is indeed necessary in order to install plugins or custom themes. However, the definition of “expensive” is subjective. 

Remember that not all customisations even need plugins or custom themes. Using blocks, full site editing, and global styles, the WordPress editor can carry out the majority of adjustments. Knowing your wants, needs, and options will help you reach your objectives. Even on the plugin-enabled plan, there are numerous methods to customise a website. Thus, generalising this is inaccurate.

If you want to know more about how much WordPress costs, you can check out this blog.

Myth 7: There are certain limitations to monetising your website on

The hosting plan and add-ons determine which tools are available, and those are the sole limitations on monetisation. offers more built-in monetisation solutions that have already been configured than a self-hosted WordPress website. Unlike some of the more difficult plugin options necessary on a Self-Hosted WordPress site, these built-in alternatives make it simpler and faster to start making money. Hence, it all boils down to needs and abilities.

Myth 8: You must run a high-traffic site to apply for an advertising program called WordAds. does not restrict how you can make money from your site. You can definitely sell custom ad space on your website on Of course, there are limitations, as there are with any ad network. You can also use third-party ad servers if you have a qualified plan that permits plugin installation. And sure, you can include affiliate links.

Of course, revenue-sharing is the premise on which all advertising networks operate. WordAds is one of many companies that offer this.

Myth 9: If believes your site breaches its terms of service, they have the right to delete it anytime.

Legally, sure, this is fundamentally true of every hosting provider or online business. All hosts reserve the right to do this. That comes with the territory.

But, in reality, works more with its customers than most service providers to alert them of any breaches in terms of service. If a customer’s content cannot be moved within, we issue warnings and help them with the transferring process.

Myth 10: offers no eCommerce functionality or integrated payment methods until you switch to the plugin-enabled subscription.

Before the 2022 changes to the plans, various eCommerce alternatives have always been accessible depending on your requirements.

PayPal choices are accessible on all plans. Even though it may not be a complete eCommerce store, it still offers the option to sell the products.  Also, there are specialised blocks that interact with Stripe to make one-time and recurring payment options possible.

Any plugins can be added with an eligible plan, including WooCommerce, which offers several payment gateway options.

Myth 11: cannot be used to create membership websites.

This is a simple one. Building membership sites can be done in various methods, both with and without plugins. You may complete all of this using vs. Self-Hosted WordPress: Which is Better? vs. self-hosted WordPress sites are frequently the subject of a heated debate. Neither is superior nor inferior. They each cater to distinct needs and customer types and have different advantages and disadvantages.

Same people support both and The two communities frequently collaborate with one another. They each serve a distinct market niche. Each one of them has a distinct personality, community, and culture. They both are more passionate about WordPress as a whole than about any other area of the Internet.

Thus, avoid making it a competition between .com Understand that you are comparing the hosting plans and services offered by various hosts.

Choose the Right One for You with Digital Rescue

You might have expected this article to provide additional functionality/feature comparisons. But hopefully, you now realise that this isn’t what makes a site different from a self-hosted WordPress site. 

If you need a reliable web design agency in Melbourne to help you build a website, our team at Digital Rescue is more than happy to give you a hand. Combining our web design expertise with a leading SEO strategy by TopRankings, it’s time to get the website you deserve. Book a FREE chemistry call today!