In today’s digital world, the audience is always searching for a fast, easy, and overall efficient user experience. Therefore, businesses must focus on developing a great website user interface and design to meet their customers’ satisfaction standards.

Let’s start with what user experience is and how important it is for website design. 

What is UX Design

User experience, commonly known as UX, refers to a visitor’s experience when visiting an app or a website. UX concerns all the aspects of the interaction between a company and its current and potential customers. 

In today’s competitive business world, it’s imperative that companies comprehend the importance of user experience design as it ensures that a business’s objectives coincide with the customer needs. 

Good User Experience in Web Design

If you’re wondering why offering a good user experience is crucial in web design, here are some benefits of UX design that matter for your business. 

Improves Your SEO Rankings

Without a doubt, every company wants to rank in the top Google search results. Having a good UX design of a website can help improve your SEO rankings. 

Providing a well-designed user experience to online visitors can help enhance your business’ online presence, enabling you to make it to the top results on search engines. Optimising your SEO through UX design can increase traffic on your website, making more and more visitors interested in what you have to offer. 

However, this isn’t as easy as it sounds. In order to improve your SEO ranking and offer a good user experience, you need to get a professional UX design agency on board. This is because their main purpose is to rank your website on the search engines by creating a user-friendly website that meets your business’ objectives. 

Additionally, aesthetics are an integral part of your website as they help maintain the attention of visitors long enough for them to learn more about your business and its offerings. 

Increases Conversions on Your Website 

Even various websites offer similar products and services, any company with a good UX design is more likely to attract potential customers. Customers tend to search for and choose a website that has an easy-to-manoeuvre and attractive user experience, boosting conversion rates. 

When the usability and accessibility of a website are optimised, the bigger and more positive impact it will have on customer satisfaction. A well-designed and tailored user experience will encourage the willingness of visitors and reduce their reluctance to make purchases from your business. 

Therefore, businesses must pay attention to the UX design of their websites or applications if they want to boost the conversion rates. 

Establishes Credibility and Builds Trust

When browsing the internet in search of a product or service, it takes a while before a customer can start trusting a company and make a purchase. Would you purchase from a website that is loaded with bad quality images, hard-to-read fonts and a super-complicated navigation process? A bad design not only makes a website look fake, but it also fails to gain customer trust. 

Building credibility and improving customer engagement isn’t an easy job for a business, especially those that have only recently set foot in the market. 

If you are looking for potential customers to trust you, you will have to provide them with a reason for you choosing you over other competitors when they visit your website. Gaining credibility has a significant impact on generating more potential leads and making sales. 

Integrating UX design on your website is a stepping milestone that can help you reach your ultimate objectives of enhancing customer loyalty and encouraging customer retention. Even though the results are great, gaining customer trust isn’t an easy job that can be done overnight. You need to ensure that your website design strategy is consistent in the long run to see better outcomes for brand loyalty. 

Increases Revenue and Profitability 

Paying attention to the user experience when developing a website helps increase the number of conversions, which means higher sales levels and increase revenue. Having a user-friendly website also encourages word-of-mouth advertising that will help increase the revenue and profitability of a business in the long-run. 

A well-designed user experience also encourages potential customers to buy your product rather than leaning on your competitors. 

Builds a Solid Framework for Your Website Content

Regardless of how many attractive decorations or comfortable furniture you add, a weak foundation and a poorly framed house will remain a rather unpleasant place to visit. In this case, the UX design of a website is the framework, while the content and aesthetics of your website are the décor. 

Even if you put up the most engaging content to read, if you don’t set your website up with a smart design and good user path, it will be merely pointless. A good user experience sets the basis and foundation of your website, making your content easily accessible to the customers and increasing their satisfaction levels. 

What Makes a Great User Experience?

You can’t exactly pinpoint what a great user experience is. Since everyone has different personalities and perspectives, user experience is different for each one of your potential customers. The most crucial thing to consider when designing a user-friendly website is to pay attention to what the majority of your audience agrees on. Closely monitor your potential market to see what they consider a great user experience to be. 

Your website design should have some if not all these features in order to be classified as ‘user-friendly’ by your general audience. 

  • Usefulness
  • Usability 
  • Findability
  • Credibility
  • Accessibility
  • Desirability
  • Value 
  • Responsiveness


Based on these benefits, you now know how crucial UX is as a design tool to optimise the accessibility and usability of a website. Remember to design your website in a way that fits the unique needs of your customers as something that works well for another company, might not benefit you. Also, while there are various tools of UX design, it is best to leave the job to a professional UX designer or agency!